Central Post Office (Lima)

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  • Edificios con valor arquitectónico
Central Post Office
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Lo que debes que saber

  • 📍 La oficina de correo está ubicada en Lima.
  • 💼 El servicio de atención al cliente es deficiente y es difícil comunicarse con ellos.
  • 📬 Puede haber problemas con la entrega de correo y paquetes, como demoras y extravíos.
  • 🕙 Puede haber largas filas y espera en la oficina de correos.
  • ⚠️ Es posible que haya falta de personal en la oficina de correos, lo que puede afectar la calidad del servicio.

Tourbly dice

El Edificio del Correo Central, ubicado detrás del Palacio de Gobierno y a solo una cuadra de la Plaza de Armas, es un majestuoso ejemplo arquitectónico en el corazón de Lima. Aunque ya no se utiliza como oficina de correos, su belleza sigue siendo impresionante. Construido en el año 1897, destaca por su fachada adornada con un reloj y dos estatuas de ángeles en la parte más alta. Actualmente, alberga la Casa de la Gastronomía Peruana, una institución que promueve la rica historia culinaria del país. Este elegante edificio es un lugar ineludible para aquellos que visitan el centro histórico de Lima.

En el corredor de la Casa de Correos, específicamente en el Jirón Piura, los domingos es posible encontrarse con vendedores de estampillas, cartas, postales y otros materiales filatélicos. Este lugar se convierte en un paraíso para los coleccionistas y aficionados, quienes podrán disfrutar de la amplia variedad de objetos disponibles. Además, el edificio alberga el Museo Nacional Postal y Filatélico, donde se exhiben permanentemente exposiciones de filatelia y numismática tanto de la región como a nivel mundial. La visita a este lugar es una excelente oportunidad para explorar el mundo filatélico y apreciar su relevancia histórica.

Aunque ha cambiado su función original, el Correo Central sigue funcionando en este majestuoso edificio desde hace varios años. Su conservación es notable y se ha convertido en un punto de encuentro para los visitantes que desean disfrutar de una experiencia única. Además de la oportunidad de comprar recuerdos diversos, explorar sus instalaciones te permitirá deleitarte con la maravilla arquitectónica que representa. Desde su techo de vidrio con arcos hasta su estructura imponente, cada rincón de este lugar respira historia y merece ser admirado.

La antigua Casa de Correos y Telégrafos, ahora conocida como el Museo de la Gastronomía Peruana, es un verdadero tesoro arquitectónico en Lima. Su construcción histórica cautiva a los visitantes, mientras imponentes vitrinas exhiben la riqueza de la cultura peruana a través de su gastronomía. Adéntrate en esta joya arquitectónica y experimenta una fusión de sabores, tradiciones y la pasión culinaria de Perú. Este museo es un destino imperdible para los amantes de la comida y aquellos que buscan sumergirse en la rica historia detrás de los platos tradicionales del país.

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Jiron Junin y Jiron de la Union Downtown

Opiniones de viajeros sobre Central Post Office

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Rachel Cumberledge

The clerk has no idea what she’s talking about. I came to mail something and I had used a 2022 forever stamp. She told me my stamp was counterfeit because they don’t sell them anymore? Obviously they don’t sell 2022 forever stamps anymore…

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Stephen Horton

Carrier leaves mail hanging out of our mailbox on a regular basis for 8 months. Filed multiple complaints. Confronted the carrier and he threw a fit . Now we have not received mail for 3 days. Post Master has made no attempt to resolve the issue. Have to call numerous times for anyone to answer the phone. Lazy overpaid union trash.

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Turn Towards The Horizon

No one answers the phone and I called the main us post office number, the 1800 number to ask my question instead. I told them that no one answers the phone in Lima. They reported the Lima post office. Wasn't me but the actual agent said…

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Amy Garringer

I have gone in 3 times to have my mailing address permanently changed and have received 3 different answers on what I need to do. I will never go there again.

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Understaffed, No one answers the phone. I left some outgoing mail in my mailbox that was addressed to previous owners of my current house and put "no longer residence here". Instead of taking that mail and sending it back, they then marked…

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Dion Brodeur

Severely understaffed. Service is horrible. If you are thinking about getting your US Passport processed here, think again. You can never get through to the Passport office by phone, and even if you schedule the appoinment online, don't…

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John Doe

Nice job at opening at 8:00 8:15 and still not open. Wish I could start my job late.

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Desiree Howell

The lady at the counter wouldn’t even listen to me even though she sat there and chatted with another lady buying stamps for a good 5 minutes. She looked up my tracking number and just said it probably wasn’t there it would’ve been returned…

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Ally A

Hardly ever get my packages. They either leave them at the post office for me to pick up or Steal them. If I actually do get my packages they're halfway opened. So I'm guessing my postman doesn't have a kid because they never take the kid…

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T Bigelow

Not impressed in the littlest. Was supposed to have a package delivered with specific instructions as to where to leave it. I wait two days. Nothing. I go up Saturday and the lady behind the counter proceeds to tell me that Amazon is in the…

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melana shah

Called and spoke to customer service about a package to be delivered in Lima that hadn’t been scanned in at any point in the journey (likely due to a faulty barcode, my fault).…

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Aaron Summerhill

Shipping for my packages was paid for and shipped by FedEx I have no idea why it was sent to USPS for delivery. The first package was just left sitting on my porch no knock or anything . They say they tried to deliver the second package and…

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Kala Maehlman

We were on our way to the bank last Saturday and decided to stop by a blue mailbox to drop off our mail beforehand. I accidentally put my check to deposit at the bank in the blue mailbox with my mail. Yeah, not my best moment. I called…

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John Beane

I’ve been there 5 times in the past ten days. One person at the window with long lines. I stopped my mail in April. Nobody there knows where it is. One lady said they probably sent it back. Then told me the post master would call me. Two…

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For all the reviews that stated they received a noticed of undeliverable and received no note is completely accurate reviews because I also had no note and received notice from my shipper that my items are waiting for pick up per customer…

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They are understaffed but there is a very nice lady named Anne who does a wonderful job. She's the glue that keeps the place

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Eric Gigliotti

This place does not follow any of the USPS policies in regards to holding mail. When I was away for work for a month, they decided to cancel my hold one week early. Then they decided to deliver the mail even though I requested a pickup. The…

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Thomas Kloeppel

I am very tired of the mail delivery person cutting through my yard at the end of my driveway. If they cannot stay on the driveway with the vehicle then may I suggest they go back to their driving school classes. I don't appreciate ruts being cut into my yard.

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kathy restivo

I absolutely respect every postal worker, especially in Lima and I support our hard working mail carriers! Keep up the good work! Every business on the planet has great,good,fair and awful employees. And every…

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runaa m

Extremely racist lady! I was standing at the post office to ask whether I could post up a flyer. She told me bluntly and rudely (assuming I was dumb and couldn't understand basic courtesy that I needed to line up), that I needed to be in…

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Roberta Litchfield

Very understaffed! Always a long wait. Usually no one can answer my questions about mailing. I don’t get all my mail even when I have a photo showing what will be delivered on my informed delivery email. We have a different carrier every…

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Victor Arnett

For you people that don't know any better, mail is sent to processing centers between deliveries. This system is AUTOMATED. If a letter goes frome here to there to there and you don't understand why...it's meant to do that. It's not a…

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Troy Johnson

Received a failed delivery notice on a Sunday for "no front door or driveway access" on ONE of TWO packages. Other one arrived just fine and on time. Got the other Monday... opened, taped closed, and empty.

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Jon Scott

Mail has not come yet AGAIN. I have a package with tracking saying it is out for delivery. It’s 8:20pm and no mail. This isn’t the first time either… this happens a lot.

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Jennifer Commons

I requested a 30 day hold on my mail and they decided to hold it for 10 days then start sending my mail back to the sender. Then when I asked about it the lady said it don't matter, they sent it back.

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susan r

An order addressed to Lima, OH shipped from Kentucky two days ago, went to Columbus and to Lima, OH last evening. An idiiot in the post office sent it off 236 miles away to a place called Brilliant, OH when it was clearly marked Lima,…

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Elaine Briani

Since when is the post office not open late on tax filing day. The line was out the door but the rude employee at the door would not let me in. Called customer service line but hours are not listed and you cannot speak to a customer service representative. No wonder the ratings are so poor

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Nate Beezy

A few minutes after my package was dropped off I look in the mailbox and my package ripped open and the product inside gone. Tried to contact the local carrier over the phone all you get is the run around 2nd time something like this has happened. LIMA, OH ????????…

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Charles Clapper

I live in a house with 4 apartments, and 4 different mailboxes. But for some reason the mail for us is in the mailbox that is the 1/2 apartment.. really just walk around the corner go about 4 feet and put our mail into our mailbox, that has our names on it. Sounds a little lazy to me.

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Jarita Perryman

Slowest delivery ever . I hate when my mail is forced to go through them . I got three other packages I've ordered today from other companies all this morning. This package says its out for delivery since 6am & it's now 4:42 and they close at 5pm .......

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Preguntas frecuentes sobre Central Post Office

¿Cuáles son los horarios de atención de la Oficina de Correos Central?
La Oficina de Correos Central está abierta de lunes a viernes de 8:00 a.m. a 5:00 p.m. Los sábados, el horario de atención es de 8:00 a.m. a 12:00 p.m.
¿Cómo puedo contactar a la Oficina de Correos Central?
Puede contactar a la Oficina de Correos Central llamando al número de teléfono XXX-XXX-XXXX. Sin embargo, tenga en cuenta que en algunos casos puede haber demoras en la respuesta debido a la demanda y la disponibilidad del personal.
¿Ofrecen servicios de envío internacional?
Sí, la Oficina de Correos Central ofrece servicios de envío internacional a varios destinos en todo el mundo. Puede obtener más información sobre los servicios de envío internacional y las tarifas visitando nuestro sitio web oficial.
¿Cómo puedo realizar un seguimiento de un paquete enviado a través de la Oficina de Correos Central?
Puede realizar un seguimiento de su paquete enviado a través de la Oficina de Correos Central utilizando el número de seguimiento proporcionado al momento de realizar el envío. Visite nuestro sitio web oficial y utilice nuestra herramienta de seguimiento de paquetes para obtener información actualizada sobre la ubicación y el estado de su envío.
¿Puedo enviar dinero a través de la Oficina de Correos Central?
Sí, la Oficina de Correos Central ofrece servicios de transferencia de dinero. Puede visitar nuestras instalaciones y hablar con nuestro personal para obtener más información sobre cómo enviar dinero de manera segura y confiable.
¿Cuáles son los servicios adicionales que ofrece la Oficina de Correos Central?
Además de los servicios de envío y recepción de correo, la Oficina de Correos Central ofrece servicios de venta de sellos postales, envío de paquetes certificados, servicio de casilleros postales y servicio de notificación de entrega.
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